I'm working to get up videos of Kai reading, counting to 100, and more to our
YouTube channel: LearningWithKai123 (Please subscribe!)
Check back soon!
Disclaimer: I'm just a regular parent who was lucky enough to learn that babies can be taught immediately in life to help them achieve early speech, reading, counting, potty training, and more. I am not a licensed expert or professional—just a mom who cares, and wants to help other parents and children by sharing what worked for us. This is just what worked for us, and may not apply to all situations, since every child (and parent) is different, and nobody learns the same way, same speed, nor even has the same interests and experiences.
This site contains affiliate links, but many of the books and videos I discuss can be found free at libraries; many videos on YouTube, Netflix and Amazon; and free games, videos, and printouts like worksheets and flashcards from other educational websites. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases (though I haven't yet, as of 2/2/2023, I pay $200/year for this site, but haven't earned anything from it). This does not affect you in any way should you purchase from a link, and may only provide a small supplement for my family. The original purpose of this site is, and always will be, to share educational information.
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